Thank you for choosing Strength Training and Recovery, Corp. for your health care needs. As a
patient receiving care at Strength Training and Recovery, Corp., we want you to know the rights
you have as a patient early in your care. These rights include, among others, respectful and
considerate treatment, involvement in making decisions about your care, privacy of your health
information, and designating the individuals who can visit you or be involved in your care.
Strength Training and Recovery, Corp. is a diverse place that endorses a culture of equity and
inclusion. In order to reinforce these values, we do not tolerate harassment, discrimination, or
abusive behavior. Strength Training and Recovery, Corp. does not assign staff to patients on the
basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status of either the patient or
staff. A patient’s preference based on stereotyped characterizations shall not be honored.
However, accommodations may be made for legitimate bodily privacy concerns.
Strength Training and Recovery, Corp. honors patients and families as the center of care.
Access to Respectful Care
Healthcare providers listen to and honor patient and family perspectives and choices. Patient and
family knowledge, values, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds are incorporated into the planning
and delivery of care.

You will receive necessary care regardless of your:
 Race
 Sex, gender identity, and gender expression
 Color
 Religion or creed
 National origin or ancestry
 Age
 Marital status
 Sexual orientation
 Disability
 Height or weight
 Veteran status

Patient Rights
As a patient at Strength Training and Recovery, Corp., you have the right to:
 Receive reasonable accommodations if you are a person with special needs.
 Receive reasonable accommodations for your religious practices.

 Receive considerate and respectful care in a judgment-free environment.
 Give or refuse consent for recordings, photographs, films, or other images to be
produced, unless it is for identification, diagnosis, or treatment purposes.
 Receive proper assessment and management of ailment.
 Be free from restraint of any form or seclusion that is not medically necessary.
 Be free from coercion (intimidation), unwarranted discipline or retaliation by staff.
 Be free from mental, physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Involvement in Care Decisions
Strength Training and Recovery, Corp. patients and families are encouraged to participate in the
care and decision-making at the level with which they are comfortable. As such, patients can:
 Have a family member or other representative notified in case of your admission to the
 Receive information about your diagnosis, health status, condition, treatment, prognosis,
and unanticipated outcomes of care.
 Know who is taking care of you and their professional titles.
 Receive education about safe use of exercise equipment and counseling on home therapy
 Be involved in the planning, completion, and review of your plan of care, including
management of your condition and your plan of care for after you leave Strength Training
and Recovery, Corp.
 Receive the information needed to consent to a treatment, including the potential risks
and benefits of that treatment.
 Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law. It is our responsibility to discuss with
you the possible results of your refusal.
 Participate in healthcare decisions and have staff provide you with information on
advance directives and comply with your wishes in accordance with the law.
 Request treatment. However, your right to make decisions about healthcare does not
mean you can demand treatment or services that are not medically necessary or
Your Medical Records
Our healthcare providers communicate and share information with patients and families in ways
that are supportive and useful. In addition, you can:
 See your medical record at a time suitable for both you and the staff. After discharge, you
may request and obtain a copy of your medical record for a reasonable fee.
 Request changes to your protected health information (PHI). You have the right to ask
that your information not be given out.
 Expect confidentiality, privacy, and security of your records, both personal and medical.
Concern About Care or Service

Strength Training and Recovery, Corp. values collaboration among patients, family members,
and providers. We listen to our patients and families to let us know how we can improve. It is our
aim to provide our patients and families with health care information in a manner and form that
you can understand. We want you to be safe and receive the best medical care that we can
provide. We also want to hear from you about what went well, or what could have been
improved about your care while at Strength Training and Recovery, Corp. We encourage our
patients and families to express any concerns you may have regarding your care or service.
Please direct any questions or concerns to the clinic administration so that we may address them.
Patient Responsibilities

As a patient, you have the responsibility to:
 Follow the rules involving patient care and conduct. These include Strength Training and
Recovery, Corp. visitation and no smoking policies.
 Provide us with a complete and accurate medical history. This history includes all
prescribed and over-the-counter medications you are taking.
 Tell us about all treatments and interventions you are receiving.
 Follow the suggestions and advice your health care providers prescribe in a course of
treatment. If your refusal of treatment prevents us from providing appropriate care
according to ethical and professional standards, we may need to end our relationship with
you after giving you reasonable notice.
 Leave valuables at home and bring only necessary items for the hospital stay. The
hospital is not responsible for any lost or stolen valuables.
 Be considerate of the rights of other patients and Strength Training and Recovery, Corp.
personnel and property.
 Provide information about difficulties you may have regarding your health care that we
may not be aware of.
 Tell us if you clearly understand your plan of care and the things you are asked to do.
 Make appointments and arrive on time. You must call in advance when you cannot keep a
scheduled appointment.
 Meet any financial obligations agreed to with Strength Training and Recovery Corp. This
includes providing us with correct information about your sources of payment and ability
to pay your bill.
Concerns About Billing or Your Ability to Pay
 You can request an explanation about all items on your bill. If you have a question about
billing, insurance, or financial matters, call (810) 344-9810.